A Letter to Bud, London Organics

Rebecca Hodges

Posted on February 27 2019

Didi + Bud X Cheryl Rawlings - London Organics Inspiration

To my darling Bud...My mother maker, sleep taker, the one who challenges me beyond reason but gives me confidence beyond measure. 

You are the first of my greatest adventures and with you - every single day is one. You are the greatest supporter of Didi + Bud, constantly coming up with new ideas for prints and doing a happy little dance with me when you hear the Shopify ping. You won’t wear any other pyjamas or sleep on any other bedding...

London, because it's where we first imagined you, where I first carried you around with me and where we first dreamt of all the things we had ahead with you. London because you adore it, from the bright lights, to the black cabs - the buildings dazzle you and the hustle unnerves you just a little bit. You are always asking to go and always drawing its landmarks. You became a 'real life' Knight at the Tower of London when we last visited and I know you will always remember that. 

London, because there's nostalgia there for me. For impromptu nights out when you needed them the most, for wandering aimlessly, window shopping, taking it all in, because I could. Because I wasn't needed at home like I am now.  For late night tubes which are a pain and a faff, but the chaos is somewhat comforting. 

Organic - because it means the world to me to care for you and putting you and your sisters to bed in Organic, non toxic, safe clothing - means I'm at least winning at that part of the Motherhood day! Because the planet means the world to us both and I want to leave you with more to explore. Because everything I do at Didi + Bud is for you and your sisters. So London is for you, my little Buddy.

To my darling girls, there's a print each for you both on the way x

When I first decided to take on the London print I knew it had been done plenty of times before. But this one would be personal, and when I tucked Bud up in bed at night time in this print, it would mean something to him too. I started following Cheryl Rawlings a couple of years ago on Instagram, when I first joined. I adored her style, her words and her inspiration. I knew one day I'd love to work with her and when London was in the pipeline, there wasn't anyone else to ask. I was so pleased she agreed. We spent time going back and forth with ideas and drafts and London Organics was born. I hope you all love it as much as we do. Please do head over and visit Cheryl and her wonderful work over on her Instagram page

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